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Do you know what ginger juice is? If not, pay attention because we're going to tell you about a plant that we use as soon as cold and flu season hits our homes.

In this article, we'll discuss the ginger rhizome and how, when used at the earliest indication of a viral disease, it can have a very effective antiviral impact on the body, enabling one to recover more rapidly or to avoid becoming sick as much. We'll also go over a few ways you may utilize ginger to treat those initial symptoms, like how to prepare your own ginger juice tea!

A potent antiviral is ginger.

Most grocery stores carry the rhizome of the herb ginger (Zingiber officinale).

Ancient Roman, Greek, and Arabic customs, ayurvedic medicinal writings, early Chinese medicine, and culinary and herbal uses of this pungent root are all widely described.

Ginger reduces swelling and pain, calms stomach upset and gas and cramps, stimulates bile production in the liver, increases sweating and circulation, releases accumulated mucus in the lungs, and has antibacterial properties.

Although ginger is undoubtedly a versatile herb, it is most known for its antibacterial, mucus-thinning, and diaphoretic properties, which aid the body in fighting off colds and the flu.

Ginger's volatile oils activate the immune system to combat both bacterial and viral infections (McIntyre, 1996). It is a pleasant and effective immune stimulant that is all-around warming and great for cold and flu drinks. Several herbalists find that it can prevent the emergence of upper respiratory infections when used at the first signs of viral infection (Holmes, 1997). The antiviral effects of ginger include increasing the activity of macrophages, preventing viruses from adhering to cell walls, and acting as a virucide (Buhner, 2013). Ginger is typically consumed raw since the fresh rhizome has the strongest antibacterial effects.

For this purpose, freshly squeezed ginger juice diluted in water or ginger tea are both suitable. The fresh juice of ginger cannot be topped in terms of potency as an antiviral, according to herbalist Stephen Buhner (2013). (p. 168).

While utilizing fresh ginger juice tea is a fantastic approach to acquire the potent antiviral effects of this herb, for those who don't have a juicer or can't juice that much ginger, there is another great choice for you—fresh ginger infusion.

For creating freshly squeezed ginger juice tea or a fresh ginger infusion, see our recipe below. We would advise you to attempt this recipe the next time those bothersome cold and flu symptoms appear in your home, whatever alternative is most feasible for you.

Fresh Ginger Infusion or Fresh Ginger Juice in Tea

Drinking Ginger Tea

One of the first herbs we go for when a viral infection appears impending is fresh ginger juice tea, which has strong antiviral properties. If juicing is not an option, the rhizome can instead be utilized in chopped or grated form.

Taken from Herbal Antivirals by Stephen Buhner (2013).

1 big ginger as an ingredient (Zingiber officinale) rhizome

Water, 11.2 cups

1-3 teaspoons of raw honey

1/8 tsp cayenne (Capsicum annuum) pepper Lime squeeze (optional)


Pick up four ginger rhizome pieces the size of your thumb.

Process the ginger in a juicer to extract the juice; aim for 1/4 cup of juice.

Save the ginger's fibrous substance.

Water is brought to a boil.

To create the ginger tea, mix 14 ginger juice with water that has just come to a boil, then add the lime, cayenne, and honey. Thoroughly stir.

With an acute infection, consume 4-6 cups of ginger juice tea daily. When creating a new batch, keep in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

If you don't have a juicer, you can finely grate or chop the ginger and let it steep in water that has just come to a boil for a couple of hours, covered, before adding the rest of the ingredients. This technique can also be used to prepare the fibrous ginger waste from juicing.

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