The hot, lazy days of summer are fast flowing past and many students are already getting ready to go back to school. This time of year, like any significant adjustment, may provide difficulties for pupils of all sizes. Herbal support may be helpful in easing the transition and offering a helping hand during this joyful time.
For herbal help for returning to school, students of all ages can use the delightful, calming herbs chamomile, lemon balm, and rosemary. In addition to being nervines that assist the nervous system during times of transition, these herbs also help healthy digestion and offer a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for the whole body. As an added benefit, these three herbs can be effective staving off those beginning of the year sniffles.
Herbal Help for Back to School: Chamomile
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) (Matricaria chamomilla)
Are you anxious or tense as the new school year approaches? A great herbal remedy that might help reduce stress is chamomile. A well-beloved nervine, chamomile can gently nourish the nervous system, calming away nervousness, impatience, and worry. It can be incredibly helpful for calming an anxious stomach brought on by emotional stress and strain, as well as for relieving stomach pain and suffering from diarrhea, cramps, or constipation. Moreover, chamomile might help returning students obtain a restful night's sleep before the excitement of the big day. It is used to relieve restless sleep and nightmares that sometimes accompany the anticipation of life changes such as the start of a new school year. Chamomile is helpful for unwinding, unwinding, and letting go of tension at the end of the school day.
Chamomile can be used to make a nice cup of tea. For 3 to 8 minutes, steep 1 to 2 tablespoons of the dried flowers per cup of water. Strain, then drink. If it is too bitter, add honey. For a soothing soak, you can also add chamomile tea to the bath.
Asteraceae, which includes chamomile, are known to produce allergic reactions in people who are susceptible to ragweed.
Lemon balm is a helpful herb for back-to-school.
Citrus balm (Melissa officinalis)
Angry and anticipating returning to school? Use lemon balm to find herbal support because it can help you feel calmer. Lemon balm is a bright, cheery herb that is used to elevate the spirits, chase away depression, and calm nervous tension and enthusiasm. It works wonders for cranky kids (and adults) who are too thrilled and overtired to calm down. Lemon balm is excellent for calming an anxious stomach and reducing sleeplessness, just like chamomile. Studying may also benefit from lemon balm. Herbalist Anne McIntyre says that lemon balm revitalizes a tired mind and enhances memory and concentration (McIntyre, 1996, pp. 159). Lemon balm is a very amazing plant that is great for families and works well as an antiviral to prevent colds and speed up recovery.
Lemon balm has a lovely lemony flavor. Here's how to utilize it. In salads and smoothies, add a few handfuls of the fresh leaves. By mixing 2 teaspoons of the dry herb with 1 cup of water and letting it simmer for 10 minutes, you may make a soothing cup of lemon balm tea. Strain, then savor! Instead, lemon balm can be enjoyed as a tincture or as a delightful vinegar that can be prepared from the leaves.
Lemon balm warnings: Although it is generally regarded as being very safe, lemon balm might be problematic for those who have hypothyroidism.
Rosemary is a good herb for back-to-school.
When stressed and mentally exhausted during those first few days back at school, rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) may offer some assistance! As students return to school, rosemary is a great herbal support because it is frequently used as a moderate renewing nervine to gently stimulate and refresh the mind. Herbalist Brigitte Mars claims that rosemary "stimulates the pineal gland and enhances energy levels," while herbalist Stephanie Tourles claims that rosemary "boosts creativity, confidence, and mental vigor" (Tourles, 2013). (Mars, n.d.). Headaches, digestive stimulation, and mental weariness are all treated with rosemary. After a long day of school, before starting on your homework, sipping a cup of warm rosemary tea will help you get your mind going and relieve headaches from mental exhaustion.
Greek academics wore rosemary, a traditional symbol of memory, to improve memory. Latest studies confirm what traditional use has long suggested: the aroma of rosemary does improve our memory. Inhaling rosemary essential oil enhanced memory, according to a 2003 study (Moss, 2003). Another study discovered that exposure to rosemary essential oil reduced anxiety and boosted attentiveness while speeding up the completion of math problems (Diego et. al, 1998).
Uses for rosemary: To improve memory and focus before classes and study sessions, put one or two drops of rosemary essential oil on a comb and brush the oil into hair. Bonus? Use of rosemary promotes hair growth! Several drops of the essential oil can be added to shower gels and bath salts. To make a delicious, cooling tea, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaf per cup of water.